Absolutely INCREDIBLE day at the KSU AGR Kickoff!! First and foremost thank you to all of the families and crew for all of their hard work!! Heifer Results: -Supreme Champion Heifer Ring A&B
– Champion Limousin Heifer Ring A&B
-Champion Char Composite Heifer Ring A Reserve Ring B
-Champion Chi Heifer Ring B Reserve Ring A
-Champion Simmental Heifer Ring B Reserve Ring A
-Reserve Champion Maintainer Ring B Numerous class winners as well!!
Champion Limousin Heifer Supreme Champion Overall Ring A &B (Ratliff family)
Raised by Riverstone Cattle Company sold by CEG
Champion Chi Heifer Ring B Reserve Ring A (Ratliff family)
Raised by Blake Showsteers sold by CEG/Sullivan Farms sired by Luxury Tax
Champion Char Composite Heifer Ring A Reserve Ring B (Jackson family)
Raised by Wagonhammer Ranch sold by CEG/Gateway Genetics
Champion Simmental Heifer Ring B Reserve Ring A (Goering family)
Sold by CEG/Prestige Cattle Co
Reserve Champion Maintainer Ring B (Morey family)
Raised by Shea Geffert sold by CEG/Bennett Show Cattle sired by Friskey Whiskey