Incredible day at the 2022 Kansas Classic!!!! Congratulations to all of the families who exhibited today with females purchased from CEG and thank you to all of the crew who helped get them presented!! Backdrop photos coming soon!!

Supreme Champion Female Ring A&B exhibited by the Podzimek family!! Raised by Steck Cattle (MN) sold by CEG/Steck Cattle!!

Reserve Supreme Champion Female Ring A Reserve Chi Ring B exhibited by the Podzimek family!! Raised by Schaeffer Show Cattle (IN) sold by CEG/Schaeffer Show Cattle!!

Reserve Champion Maintainer Heifer Ring B exhibited by the Mead family!! Raised by Pryor Show Cattle (IA) sold by CEG!! Full sister to We Need More!!

Champion Chi Heifer Ring B exhibited by the Ingram family!! Raised by Drew Miller Show Cattle (IN) sold by CEG!! Maternal sister to Made 4 This!!